The Global Emergency Response Action (GERA) is a partnership of non-governmental orgaizations (NGOs) that works to provide humanitarian aid, disaster relief, and disaster preparedness. As part of a response to the various humanitarian crisis, the GERA network of national NGOs is helping out with aid distribution within its borders.
Our Mission
We are here to respond and provide basic life-saving service with innovation and dedication, but with dignity and in the shortest time possible.
Our Vision
Enable a society to effectively handle catastrophic events while improving its capacity for long-term sustainability by including the citizens to take long-term and interactive views of community resiliency
Works to preserve the dignity of life.
Human rights and advocacy programs
are to empower persons and societies.
Aims to empower women.
Respect and support the humanitarian law.
Strives to fulfill its mission by
working with national expertise.
- We are here to respond and provide basic life-saving services with innovation and dedication, but with dignity and in the shortest time possible.
- GERA International as a medical focuses on humanitarian aid, disaster relief, and disaster preparedness.
- GERA transforms emergency programs into developmental programs to enhance sustainability and resilience for the beneficiaries and the communities we
serve. - GERA strengthens national government emergency response preparedness and implementation packages.
Bank details: BE93 9733 8224 1567
GERA is a registered charity in Belgium (O.N. 0741.731.086, RPR Brussels), France (No. W691105198), and the United States of America (DNL: 26053754006251). It is a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organisation. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent that the law permits.
Copyright © Global Emergency Response Action International (GERA)